Brett Hennig is co-founder and director of the Sortition Foundation. The one new democratic tool that should become common practice in U.S. cities, states and nationally, is sortition: the use of ...
Instead of competing with one another, advocates of different democratic processes should build bridges, and share a common ...
The ancient Greeks invented democracy, and in Athens many government officials were selected through sortition — a random lottery from a pool of candidates. In the United States, we already use ...
Here is a way for Northampton, Amherst, or any local town to become the cutting edge of democracy: Do away with elections. People who consciously scheme to obtain ...
The modern representative democracy was the best form of government mid-18th-century technology could invent. The 21st century is a different place scientifically, technically and socially ...
where the term “democracy” – literally “people rule” – originates and where people were selected at random through “sortition” to make decisions on judicial and official matters ...
An article that argues that parliamentary elections are inherently undemocratic, fostering cynicism and alienation among ...
In our current system, elections do not foster good policies. Some elite thinkers would blame the electorate rather than the system in which they cast their votes, and thus would try to limit the ...
Perhaps the Romans, like Professor Yadin, saw lots scattered about and deduced that a sortition played a role in the process of death. In addition to these motivated fictions and historical ...
The prevalence of various kinds of very strong cannabis in the illegal marketplace is a concern, as it is difficult, if not ...
Since parliamentary democracy has come under fire in many western European democracies, two ancient concepts from constitutional theory reentered the stage: sortition and the citizens assembly. David ...
Nicolaidis, Kalypso 2024. The Third Democratic Transformation: From European to Planetary Politics. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 62, Issue. 3, p. 845.